(Sudbury, ON) – Old Rock is excited to announce the launch of new delivery model for businesses in Northern Ontario. This week Old Rock finalized details to bring coffee-drinkers in the North the ultimate coffee experience. Redefining the coffee experience, Old Rock Coffee has created a novel way of delivering coffee for you and your clients at your desired location – something entirely new for Northern Ontario.
Retailers will now have the chance to deliver the same great Old Rock coffee to their clients and customers with simple convenience. Dependent on which model is suitable for your business, you’ll be able to brew the famous Black Bear’s Butt, prepare European style lattes as a certified Old Rock barista, and sell your own carefully crafted roast of Old Rock coffee at your establishment.
Unlike purchasing coffee and brewing it yourself, as your partner, Old Rock eliminates the guesswork required to brew the coffee and to prepare the perfect latte exactly like Old Rock.
The licensing model starts as low as $5,750 and can extend up to $17,500 for the full coffee and espresso experience. The marketing and signage says it all – “Sommelier de café”.
“We receive many requests per year for the ability to franchise to other businesses. Instead, we rather enable partners in Northern Ontario and beyond to serve the same experience felt at our main roasting facility. The licensing models can be customized for each establishment, while the experience remains the same for Old Rock” said Carole Roy, Old Rock co-owner.
“The espresso licensing model was the perfect fit for Quinta Essentia. The espresso licensing provided us with the proper barista training, equipment that we own, everything to get started, signage, aggressive discounts, a strong brand and no franchise sales fees”, said Guylaine Jalbert, owner of Quinta Essentia.
Additional information regarding the different levels of licensing can be found here, oldrock.ca/